
Birth/ Death

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Registration for Death Certificate

Under the Birth and Death Act 1969, it is mandatory for every citizen to register their death. The Municipal Corporation Chief Officer is authorized to issue death certificates. The applicant fills up the application form and submits it online on the web portal along with scans of the required documents. After submitting the form, the system automatically calculates the amount to be paid. After the payment is done, the system…

Publish date: 03/07/2024
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Registration for Birth Certificate

As per the rules of Birth and Death Registration Act 1969, it is mandatory to register the birth of every child born in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Any citizen (applicant) can also fill the birth registration form available on the ULB portal online. As per the rules, a person’s birth certificate should be made within 21 days of birth, but if you have not got a birth certificate made,…

Publish date: 03/07/2024
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